[Fixed] Getting error in amibroker instead of chart

While one is new to amibroker charting software. one of he most common problem he faces is sometime he see some Errors on amibroker instead of the chart.

error in amibroker

This is an easy fix.

In Amibroker Go to Charts Tab -> Click on Basic Charts -> Double Click on Price.

error in chart fixed

You can see the Price chart again.

Similarly you can Double Click on any AFL in amibroker in Charts Tab and of the afl format and code is correct you can see the chart.

You can also watch the video below to see the steps how it can be fixed

If you’re getting formula errors in Amibroker, there are a few things you can do to try to fix them. First, check the spelling of your formulas and make sure they’re typed correctly. Second, make sure you’re using the correct version of Amibroker for your formulas. Third, try restarting Amibroker and see if that clears the error. If none of these things work, you may need to contact Amibroker Live Data customer support for help.

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